Wes + Leah Brooks / Orlando, FL

Lightworks Ventures

Our first product, dship, is an online micro-discipleship community that facilitates spiritual formation for new believers in a digital-first era.

  • The gospel was presented more than 1 Billion times online last year. And while many came to faith as a result, the only follow-up many received was a short email series or brief e-course. Digital evangelism needs an equally powerful & scalable digital discipleship experience. dship is a micro-discipleship community that facilitates spiritual formation in a scalable, digital-first way so that new believers gain the support they need to navigate their new life with Christ online.

  • After a combined 10 years in tech Fortune 500s, God called us into digital ministry at a global missions organization. There, we saw firsthand the potential of digital to reach people with the gospel. But it seemed like as many as were coming into the faith through digital means, so were many doubting or leaving it entirely because of digital influences. Something was broken.

    That’s why we created Lightworks, a missional product company dedicated to harnessing the power of digital to support the full spiritual journey, from never having heard the name of Jesus all the way to walking fully in the ways of Jesus.

    We believe that the greatest identity-shaping force in the world today is digital, for better or for worse. And we want to use digital to shape and form people in the way of Jesus. At Lightworks, we build digital experiences to make disciples and dream of a day when every person with internet access has the opportunity to become a disciple who walks fully in the way of Jesus.

  • Last year, there were over 1 Billion gospel presentations and evangelistic social media posts online, with hundreds of thousands turning to Jesus as a result. But the small teams behind these struggle to provide 1-1 discipleship at that scale, so they often resort to an email series or short e-course instead, leaving new believers to navigate their new faith on their own at the end. Digital evangelism is missing an equally powerful & scalable digital discipleship experience.

  • “dship” is the discipleship answer to digital evangelism. It is an online community dedicated to helping each other walk in the way of Jesus that leverages a new, scalable, digital first model called micro-discipleship. It distills the critical ingredients for spiritual formation from traditional 1-1 mentorship into bite-sized, hyper-contextualized, and peer-to-peer formats. Through this community, new believers gain the support they need to navigate their new life in Christ entirely online.

  • Wes has a passion for building digital/data platforms that serve people. Before co-founding Lightworks, Wes spent 6 years at Cru serving in data & analytics capacities including machine learning, product management, and global data strategy. Prior to that, Wes built big-data solutions for Fortune 500 clients and served as a VC analyst. Wes graduated from the University of Kentucky in Engineering and was trained at Stanford University on building tech startups. (LinkedIn)

    Leah is passionate about activating Christians to live on mission, harnessing the power of digital to do so. As the former lead of Cru’s UX Strategy team, she was influential in the development of a global digital product ecosystem and trained missionary tech teams across the globe in user-centered design. She graduated from Olin College of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering and built her initial career in product development, UX design, and consulting with a Fortune 500 company. (LinkedIn)