Zack Grafman/Pr0ph3t / The Web3 Universe


Theofuturism exists as a radical voice of technospiritualist, futurist, maximalist Christianity.

  • The growing metaverse is a confusing and unpredictable hyperstructure of viewpoints, identities, and religions. With the future all around us, what horizon are we sailing for?

    Theofuturism exists as a radical voice of technospiritualist, futurist, maximalist Christianity. I am a technological arms dealer for the spiritual war. We are building a lighthouse beaming the grace of Christ into the chaos of the metaversal sea.

    “Come with me if you want to live eternally.”

  • I have a personal passion, a deep burden, for the young men and women who are currently floundering as the tide of postmodernism heads out to sea. So many of them know that everything they have learned is wrong, and they are so open and ready to hear the truth. I am deeply, theologically optimistic. I want the Church to win this next generation of souls so badly. And I bring to the table a wide background of reading and street-level technical experience. Right now I am having a massive amount of fun curating an array of disconnected sources through a unique lens, and trying to convince everyone who reads my work that the future is Christian.

  • Technospiritualism needs to come back home to the Church, with a robust view for how to reach out to the technical world and harness its tools to drive the Gospel and empower Christian community to flourish. Meanwhile, the metaverse is a materialistic hellscape filled with spiritually curious pagans. They need Radically Optimistic Digital Missionaries. Decentralized technology opens up new media modes that must be leveraged, our generation’s printing press to spark our Reformation.

  • The Church is approaching the edge of a generational opportunity to take the vanguard of an exploding overworld of decentralized networked technologies. Doing so will allow us to serve one another, raise funds, evangelize, and connect with the global church as never before.

    Meanwhile, this unseen world is desperately crying out for loving and present evangelism by Christians able to understand the unique needs of its denizens. Theofuturism exists to provide a model project for both goals.

  • I am here to be the guide into the futuristic world of decentralized technologies for the Christian space, and a vivid Christian witness to the decentralized tech space. I want each essay I write to galvanize someone to action, giving them the tools they need to disrupt their own lives. If people come away from my work believing that the Christian life is the path to crafting a viable and vibrant life in the world of tomorrow, I will have done my job.