We look for projects that are advancing the Gospel by equipping individuals and communities toward winsome witness, direct evangelism, and sharing their faith effectively.
Advancing thoughtful Christian engagement with ideas and ideologies in the public square. Includes apologetics, research, and dialogue across academia, science, government, industry, and other channels of public engagement with the quest for truth.
Exploring the boundaries between religions, as well as the interaction between Christianity and non-Christian worldviews and belief systems.
Exploring the gap between theology and the arts, and how beauty can operate as an apologetic in a cultural driven more by aesthetics than truth.
Evangelism & Witness
Advancing meaningful encounters with the good news of Jesus as a comprehensive vision and invitation for all of life, in unreached or unengaged contexts
Discipleship & Formation
We work to shape "heart, mind, soul, and strength" in the Way of Jesus for people at every stage of life.
The spiritual life is the foundation of discipleship, and we need new tools, methods, and pedagogies to heal and equip people toward a vibrant, living faith.
We believe discipleship is the primary call of mission - we support new communities, collectives, societies, movements, and other forms of discipleship-centric fellowship, across life stages, demographics, and specific dimensions.
Focusing on the transmission of faith to children and youth in ways that lead to resilient faith over a lifetime.
We need new models of access and delivery for theological education, for academics, pastors, and laity around the world.
Equipping Christians for effective faith and work integration is critical to our witness in the world. We need more models of effective vocational training and equipping.
The tools for content creation, distribution, and engagement are changing rapidly. How might we leverage them wisely for discipleship?
Renewing the Local Church
We work to plant, renew, and multiply diverse forms of congregational life, for the flourishing of local churches and communities in all contexts.
Church planting is central to mission - but often we limit our imagination around what that means. We want to see new experiments in church planting and the emergence of innovative networks.
As the way we gather changes and puts pressure on our existing models, we need new expressions and approaches to church - micro, mega, and everything in between.
We need to support pastors and explore new models of sustainable ministry, to avoid burnout and scandal, and ensure healthy shepherding of our congregations.
We hope to support a new generation of prayer, worship, and spiritual renewal movements, which serve as the catalyst and foundation for broader renewal in the Church and culture.
Technology is radically changing the way Churches interact with their people and communities. We need to think about Church tech.
We need to creatively reimagine the relationship between our physical buildings and our neighborhoods as part of how we engage and renew our communities.
Advancing Global Mission
We work toward creative, prophetic, sacrificial models of Christian engagement in every context, toward global collaboration and focus on the un-reached.
We’re interested in the interaction between technology, AI, and advances in bible translation and distribution, a critical global mission priority.
Supporting the wider missionary effort to reach unreached or under-reached peoples that have never had a chance to engage with the Gospel around the world.
Christians are called to the “quartet of the vulnerable,” and we support new programs and efforts to serve the least of these in the name of Jesus.
Over 30% of global Christians live in some form of persecution. We need new approaches to serving our brothers and sisters, and standing for religious freedom.
We need creative business models for mission that break cycles of charity and dependency and fund new means of engagement, while also reckoning with the limits of a capital-driven system.
Climate change and the environment put disproportionate pressure on the global poor. Christian leaders, especially in the developing world, increasingly face challenges around stewarding land properly for the flourishing of their communities.
People are moving around the world at scales never seen before. This has huge implications for the church and how we gather as a diverse global people in our cities.